Monday, 8 November 2010


Now anyone who is interested in Japan will realise that there are a huge amount of videos on youtube about said country. Some are absolutely awful, made by people (mostly in the US), who have never been, or will ever go to, Japan. Generally you'll notice that these people often claim and believe that they are Japanese :/.
BUT! There are also some amazing guides and youtubers out there, so I'll be sharing a few of the ones I have found, starting with these two:
StreetEnglishTV and TokyoStreet TV. Two channels from the same man, Chris Gen, a 30 year old man living in Tokyo. He's a quarter Japanese, and either Canadian and American, I can;t be sure. Anyway, here's a link for his channels:

So check those out, lots of good information, and often things that are off the beaten-track of Japan guides.

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